Lower Back Pain. Initial assessment uses features of the history, examination and imaging to identify the dominant source of the pain, which is usually from degenerate discs or facet joints.
Facet Joint Injections and Radiofrequency Neurotomies are effective for (often elderly) people with back and referred leg pain from degenerative facet joint disease.
Disc Pain of the Lower Back and Neck has traditionally been treated with epidural steroid injection. They are also effective for neuropathic radicular pain of the leg (sciatica) or arm.
Neck Pain and Headaches are often related. The presentation of 'cervicogenic headache', which is usually unilateral, is treated by radiofrequency neurotomy of the sensory nerves from painful arthritic cervical facet joints.
Trigeminal Neuralgia and Occipital Neuralgia Pulsed Radiofrequency Treatment is a non-destructive, minimally invasive treatment that is producing remarkable results for many sufferers of these debilitating conditions.
Persistent Pain after Back Surgery and other problematic pain conditions are being increasingly managed with selective Neurostimulator Implantation.